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Specialist for Audio-Amplifiers

Audi A4 / A5 MMI2G B&O amplifier defect?

Repair at a fixed price of 202,30€ with 2 years warranty *

Possible symptoms:

  • Complete failure. All speakers are without function.
  • stored error code: 003 amplifier internal error

The MOST-bus based B&O DSP-amplifier can be tested and repaired. 

The component protection does not become active during the repair. The device works after installation "plug and play".

Affected part numbers:

Audi MMI 2G MOST-Version

  • 8T0035223C
  • 8T0035223F
  • 8T0035223M
  • 8T0035223T

Audi MMI 2G CAN-Version (non MOST)

  • 8T0035223AJ
  • 8T0035223AP
  • 8T0035223S

Audi MMI 3G MOST-Version

  • 8T0035223AN
  • 8T0035223AK
  • 8T0035223H

Devices with part numbers 8F1035223A and 8T1035223A differ greatly in their internal structure from the devices mentioned above and are handled separately.

If you have problems with these amplifiers, please send us an inquiry with part number and description of the error.

Repair time currently 1-3 working days (plus lead time)

If you are interested in a repair, please contact us via the form, then send the device together with the completed order form to the address indicated in the imprint.

The fixed repair price refers to a device that has not yet been opened and is thus in an original state.
Unsuccessful previous repair attempts usually result in more effort and thus in additional costs.

In addition, the fixed repair price is not valid for damage caused by oxidation. 

* All prices are excluding shipping costs.

request Audi A4 A5 B&O Amplifier