Specialist for Audio-Amplifiers

Rated power measured according to DIN 45500 up to 1% distortion factor in 13,5V

Sinus Live SLA-7000

Kanäle einzeln gemessen

1 × 676 watts, channel 1 at 4 Ohm
Current consumption 57A
efficiency 87,9%

1 × 1201 watts, channel 1 at 2 Ohm with 13,4V supply voltage
Current consumption 106A
efficiency 84,5%

1 × 1626 watts, channel 1 at 1,33 Ohm with 13,4V supply voltage
Current consumption 151A
efficiency 80,4%

1 × 1980 watts, channel 1 at 1 Ohm with 13,3V supply voltage
Current consumption 192A
efficiency 77,6%

rechnerisch ermittelter Wert

1 × 3960 watts, channel 1 + 2 bridged at 2 Ohm with 13,3V supply voltage
Current consumption 384A
efficiency 77,6%

0,5-Ohm Betrieb nicht gemessen, wegen zu schwacher Stromversorgung (extern)

measured up to the clipping limit at 100 Hz because of fixed preset low-pass filter