provided by Liquidity aus dem Carhififorum
Rated power measured according to DIN 45500 up to 1% distortion factor in 13,5V
Audison CS 300 Competition
1 × 27 watts, channel 1 at 4 Ohm
2 × 26 watts, channel 1 + 2 at 4 Ohm
1 × 100 watts, channel 1 + 2 bridged at 4 Ohm
1 × 169 watts, channel 1 + 2 bridged at 2 Ohm
1 × 276 watts, channel 1 + 2 bridged at 1 Ohm
276 watts total power
0,25 Ohm-Stabilität nicht geprüft, wegen zu wenigen Lastwiderständen