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Specialist for Audio-Amplifiers

Rated power measured according to DIN 45500 up to 1% distortion factor in 13,5V

µ-Dimension JR5.41x

1 × 66 Watts channel 1 at 4 Ohm
2 × 63 Watts channel 1 + 2 at 4 Ohm
4 × 56 Watts channel 1 up to 4 at 4 Ohm

4 × 49 Watts channel 1 up to 4 at 4 Ohm +
1 × 130 Watts channel 5 at 4 Ohm

4 × 46 Watts channel 1 up to 4 at 4 Ohm +
1 × 220 Watts channel 5 at 2 Ohm

404 watts total power

2-ohm operation of all channels not measured, due to the 40A fuse